Each person is a unique individual therefore each person’s care plan will be different. Typically, a program of care consisting of frequent visits at the beginning will be recommended. As the body becomes healthier and better able to handle the negative stress in life, visit frequency will be reduced until the body has reached a point of optimal spinal function. Just like an airplane taking off, more energy (adjustments) is required at the beginning. To keep the airplane flying at cruising altitude, less energy is required (less frequent adjustments).
The amount of time to meet these initial gains is variable. Once these goals have been met, a person must evaluate what their goals for health are. If a person is interested in optimizing the function of their body, wellness care is a vital component. Most people find that they are better able to enjoy life when not limited by the negative stressful effects of subluxation. Wellness care is defined as the required frequency of visits to keep the spine optimally well. Just like an initial program of care, wellness may be different for each person.
Occasionally, a person will discontinue at this point, and slowly will move back to where they began (just like an airplane without the engines running will descend). Periodic checkups can help detect these problems early so they do not progress into more serious problems. This is often more expensive and requires more visits in total than wellness care.
To find out what type of care is best for you, please contact McCann Family Chiropractic to schedule an initial exam. We are always available to help you achieve your health goals!