Chiropractic Wellness CareBecause chiropractic adjustments can have such a dramatic impact on neck and lower back pain, there is a tendency to associate chiropractic care only with treating acute pain. However, wellness chiropractors can do much more than just get that kink out of your neck.
A wellness chiropractic center like McCann Family Chiropractic doesn’t just treat the symptoms of illness but looks for the root causes, supporting the body’s return to health by restoring the ideal function of all its systems. With a deep understanding of the interconnected nature of holistic wellness, we enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. |
Improving Mobility & BalanceYou may not even know how limited your mobility has become over time until you experience the freedom of movement that is possible with regular chiropractic care. Keeping your joints moving freely and your soft tissues pliable allows you to enjoy sports and exercise to your full potential.
Improving Mood & Energy LevelsWellness chiropractors strive to help you feel better every day. Improving the body’s communication and immune responses helps to reduce chemical and hormonal imbalances that impact your mood and energy. Chiropractic treatment reduces stress levels and the production of the stress hormone cortisol1 while increasing norepinephrine and dopamine levels, which are associated with a feeling of wellbeing. 2
Location |
Contact Us11605 State Avenue, Suite 111
Marysville, WA 98271 |
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